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FAQ & Help

About GenerationLove

  • For whom is GenerationLove suitable?keyboard_arrow_down

    GenerationLove is a popular Online-Community for Singles. As a reputable dating service, we provide a safe environment to communicate online and get to know each other before deciding whether to meet in person. For this to happen, we provide a reliable dating service. We believe that finding a life partner and having a family are among the most important things in life.

    GenerationLove is a Service of Sevastin Internet GmbH located in Celle, Germany.

  • Since when does GenerationLove exist?keyboard_arrow_down

    Already since 2008 GenerationLove has been successfully bringing people together. This makes GenerationLove to a Dating Sites with long-standing experience and is perceived as a trusted dating service.
  • Have many fallen in love with GenerationLove?keyboard_arrow_down

    For many years GenerationLove is leading people to love. Thousands found true love through our dating service. We are proud about so many happy married couples who found each other through GenerationLove! Several have shared their testimonials that you can read here.
  • What do others say about GenerationLove?keyboard_arrow_down

    You can find GenerationLove experiences of other members by going to "Testimonials". This is where you can read reports of happy couples who have found each other on GenerationLove.


  • How can I sign up as a GenerationLove member?keyboard_arrow_down

    The registration takes less than a minute, is free of charge and without any obligation. After your registration you can create your own profile and and start your search. The registration is very simple. Click "Register" on our home page. Or just click this link to sign up now.
  • I have not received the confirmation e-mailkeyboard_arrow_down

    If you have not received the confirmation e-mail, check your Spam Folder and make sure you can receive E-Mails from

    If you used an incorrect e-mail address or made a spelling error, than you have to register again. When you register again and you get the message that your e-mail address is already registered, then we have sent the confirmation e-mail to you already. The problem might be your e-mail provider. Please contact us.

  • Why is my e-mail already registered?keyboard_arrow_down

    If you receive the message that you e-mail address is already registered, than this may happen for one of two reasons:

    1. You have previously registered with GenerationLove.

    2. You may have registered before and for some reason the process has been interrupted. But your e-mail address has already been registered. 

    If you do not remember your old password, click "Forgot your password?" on the login page. With a new password and your e-mail address you will be able to login.

Your Access Data

  • I can not loginkeyboard_arrow_down

    If you cannot login, you may have entered either an incorrect e-mail address or an incorrect password.

    If you have lost your password, you may request a new password. To request a new password, open the login page and click on "Forgot your Password". 

    If you still can not login, please contact us.

  • I forgot my passwordkeyboard_arrow_down

    You can request a new password:

    1. Open the login page.

    2. Click on “Forgot your password”.

    3. A new password will be sent to your e-mail address.

    To protect your privacy, we do not store passwords. Your will receive a new password automatically generated by our system. Under "Settings" you can change your new password.

  • How can I change my password?keyboard_arrow_down

    1. To change your password, login as a member.

    2. Select: Settings (Gear Icon)

    3. Select: Personal settings

    4. Go to "Password" and click "Change"

    5. Enter your new password in both of the blanks.

    6. Press the "Save" button.

  • How can I change my e-mail address?keyboard_arrow_down

    1. Make sure you are logged in as a member

    2. Go to the Gear Icon on the top right

    3. Select: Settings

    4. Select: Personal Settings

    5. Fill in your new email address in place of your old email address.

    6. Press "Save".

  • I forgot my member numberkeyboard_arrow_down

    You can see your member number in your profile:

    1. When logged in, open "My Home" (house icon in the top navigation bar)

    2. Click on “My Profile”

    3. You will see your member mumber in the upper right of your profile.

    You do not need your member number to login. Use your e-mail address and password.

Your Privacy

  • How private are my Information?keyboard_arrow_down

    As a leading Dating Service in Eastern Europe, GenerationLove provides a protected environment for your dating search. Dating with GenerationLove is secure and easy. We respect your privacy. We do not sell, rent, trade or give private information like e-mail addresses, home addresses, telephone numbers or names to any other parties. Your private information stays private. GenerationLove is a service of Sevastin Internet GmbH based in Germany.
  • My Profile Informationkeyboard_arrow_down

    You decide for yourself which information you want to share in your profile with others.

  • Who can see my Profile?keyboard_arrow_down

    You can decide who is seeing your profile. You can hide your profile. A hidden profile is shown to GenerationLove members only you wish to communicate with.

    Hide your Profile:

    1. Open "My Home" (house icon in the top navigation bar)

    2. Go to the Gear Icon on the top right

    3. Select Settings

    4. Select Privacy 

Anti-Scam & Safety

  • Is GenerationLove safe?keyboard_arrow_down

    GenerationLove provides a safe and secure environment for finding your life partner on the internet. It is our goal to help singles find each other's match. Our service team personally checks every profile, photo and video for plausibility and seriousness. GenerationLove protects your personal data and does not share them with third parties.
  • What does GenerationLove do against scam?keyboard_arrow_down

    As a leading dating site in Eastern Europe GenerationLove does not tolerate any scam and strives to protect our users from deceipt. Our trained service staff manually checks every registration for validity. We offer a protected and safe dating environment for finding the man or woman of your dreams.

    You can report abuse or suspicious activity by using the "Report Abuse" link below in a member's profile.

    As a basic anti scam rule, never send money to a person you have only met on the internet.

    The good news is, there are thousands of sincere people out there who dream to love and be loved. For more advise please read our "Anti Scam Policy".

  • Are all profiles on GenerationLove real?keyboard_arrow_down

    We only allow real profiles on GenerationLove. Our trained service staff manually checks every registration for validity. 

    In addition, members can use our personal verificaion process and proof their identiy with an official document. Verified members agree to the GenerationLove Code of Conduct and confirm with their signature that they are seriously looking for a life partner. With a verified profil users show that their dating search for a life partner is serious. Verified members can be identified by the "Verified" icon next to the name in the profile. If you too want to have your profile verified, please contact our support. Use our contact form.

  • GenerationLove and IMBRA requirementskeyboard_arrow_down

    Yes, if you are a U.S. resident or U.S. citizen, we will support you to comply with the legal requirements laid down in the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA). For all individuals living in the USA, it is important to fill in and return to us the IMBRA forms. Only after your new acquaintance has read your information and given its written consent, personal contact information can be passed on and a personal meeting can take place. Violation of these regulations leads to the spouse's failure to receive a U.S. visa in the future. Individuals who are neither U.S. citizens nor U.S. residents are not concerned by the IMBRA regulations.
  • How can I report abuse?keyboard_arrow_down

    You can report abuse or suspicious activity by using the "Report Abuse" link below in a member's profile.

Personal Meeting

  • Where shall a meeting take place?keyboard_arrow_down

    If you know another other person only through internet yet, than you should follow some hints for the first meeting. 

    • Wait for the first meeting until there is enough trust.

    • Only meet in public places like a restaurant or Café.

    • Let a friend know about your meeting, where you will be and how long.

    • For the first meeting you can also ask a fried to accompany you.

    • If you live in different locations, the man should demonstrate that he values the woman's safety by suggesting that the first meeting take place at the woman's place of residence.

    GenerationLove provides support in planning and preparing the trip locally on your request. Services can be booked such as e.g. pickup from the airport, booking accommodation, traslation, etc.

Service and Support

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