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Imprint is a trusted online Dating Site for lasting relationships. One focus is contacts with singles from Eastern Europe. Already since 2008 GenerationLove is bringing singles together. Since then many happy couples found each other on GenerationLove. is a service of:

Sevastin Internet GmbH
Allerkampstr. 12 A
29223 Celle

Fon: +49 5141 9669852
E-Mail: impressum(at)

For Member Support and fastest reply, please use our Contact Page.

Registration court: Amtsgericht Lüneburg
Registration number: HRB 207725
VAT ID Number : DE 320 219 771

Director (authorized to represent):
Walter F. Halbrock (address as Sevastin Internet GmbH)


Legal Notice
The European Comission provides a platform for extrajudicial online disputes settlement (OS platform), which may be accessed via

All texts, pictures and other information published here are subject to the copyright of the provider, insofar as no copyrights of third parties apply. In all cases, copying, distribution or publication are only allowed with the express consent of the provider.


Feedbacks and Complaints
We welcome your review - but also criticism. Feedbacks help us to improfe our service. For your review or complaint you can use our Contact form.



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